Thursday, April 24, 2008
We made it back to Madrid!!
We caught an 11 p.m. bus out of Málaga that arrived in Madrid at 6:30 a.m. When we pulled in, the cops told us that we can't take my bike on the subway until 10 a.m., when rush hour ends.
We tried to sleep at the bus/subway station for those intermediate 3.5 hours, but the cops put an end to that, too, so we started walking across the city.
By 10 a.m., we'd drowsily trotted halfway across Madrid, and caught the subway for the other half.
We arrived in front of Matt's apartment around 10:30 a.m. and waited on the street until 2:30 p.m. for one of the roommates to come home to let us in. As we waited, Kim sat on the sidewalk drawing plants and napping; I finished my fourth audiobook of this trip, Barack Obama's Audacity of Hope, and both started and finished my fifth audiobook, Robinson Crusoe.
I feel so relieved and refreshed -- we have a nice, secure stable home with a shower, bed and kitchen!
We don't know what our plans are. We've given up on preconceptions about what we want this trip to look like. Preconceptions can be stressful. We just want to have fun.
"You must let go of the life you had planned, in order to have the life that is waiting for you ...."